Monday, November 17, 2008

Assignment 4c

The word "culture" can be described by many individuals as, a way a life.  Cambridge Dictionary defines the word as follows, "the way of life of a particular people, esp. as shown in their ordinary behavior and habits, their attitudes toward each other, and their moral and religious beliefs."  This project fits into that deinition because we are constantly learning about different people, their religious beliefs and their morals.  Everytime we view eachother's writing on specified topics, we learn about other's writing habibts.  We gain a new perspective on the cultures and history of Latin America and the Caribbean.  
Assign. 3a: Currently living in Lima, Peru, Carrie North presents a fascinating look into the Incan society.  From Carrie I learned about the many mysteries surrounding the Incan society.  Much of the artwork and archeological sites are explained through stories.  Legend claims that the Incas came down from a cave in the Andes already adorned with weapons and elaborate costumes.  They rapidly conquered the land of Cuzco, which is located below the famous establishment of "Machu Picchu."  While thier they developed new agricultural techniques, revolutionary medical procedures, weaponary, and advanced hydraulic systems.  This information from Carrie directly reflects our study of Latin American cultures.  It correlates with Freire's methods of learning, because he believed we should gain as much knowledge as possible from one another.  Interacting and engaging in each others writing and ideas creates new paths in learning; a philosophy Freire preached. 
Assign 4a:  Christina Guevara chose to write about Father Junipero Serra.  She presented some intersting facts, some which I was unaware of.  I learned from her that Father Junipero Serra took his name from, Saint Jupiter.  He reciveied his doctrine in Theology from Lullian University.  Serra established a mission in 1769 named Mission San Fernando Rey de Espana de Valiencia. This was the only mission in Baja California that was Franciscan.  Father Junipero Serra was soon given the title of,  "Father President"of  the Alta California missions.  We can apply Freire to this topic becuase he used a similar approach to situations as Father Junipero Serra did.  Father Junipero Serra graciously pushed his morals and religious beliefs on the inigenous tribes of California and Baja California.  Father Junipero Serra was also willing to learn from the different tribes to gain a better understanding of how to get them to accept his methods.  Freire believed learning should always be a part of teaching.  This relates to our study of important figures in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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